Blog Posting as Self-Discipline

My goal is to post Monday through Friday here. Short or long, whatever comes to mind. Sometimes about my shops. Sometimes about my life. Sometimes about whatever. I don’t have much to say today, but I thought for the sake of self-discipline, I’d write whatever comes to mind.

That said, I don’t have a lot to say today. I had to get some lab tests done and I already wrote about that on a group blog for dieters that also design for PODs. It is called (….drumroll……) I pretty much blew my big adventure of the day there.

OK, well, I did buy a new 500 gig external hard drive today. My designs have outgrown my 37 (?) gig old external thingy. So, there goes $80 I would have rather spent on something else.

And, last, I had to search one of the big box stores (did I mention I hate big box stores) for a new pancake turner. I melted the existing one yesterday. No, I do NOT know how that happened. But it IS melted and it won’t turn things so good in that condition, so I had to go buy another one.

Good day? Bad day? Well, I didn’t get to eat anything until 2PM or thereabouts because I had to fast for the lab tests. I had to get stuck with a needle (actually, two, but read my post at dietersbydesign. I don’t want to ruin anything for you.

I had to spend $80 I didn’t want to spend.

And, I had to go to the big box store to get one small thing.

So, you figure it out. Did I have a good day or not?

Oh, yeah, work, what did I get done there…see above about all the non-work stuff I had to get done and add the waiting in line and looking for the stuff I needed. But I will post one thing here now just to make me feel like I accomplished something.

White T-shirt with picture of the French and USA flags reading French by Birth American by Choice
You can buy this shirt by clicking here or on the picture above. Why this one? Just picked it at random.

Author: Auntie Shoe

Not much to say. Auntie Shoe is the graphics designer formerly known as AmeriYank, who has shops at print on demand sites all over the Internet.

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